We started in October and we are getting all her number 2s and some of her number 1s in the potty. Some days she has a dry pull up all day.... some days we don't catch her number 1s I just wanted to donit over winter as I hike a lot over summer and am out a lot enjoying the weather so would've been difficult for me.
I'm going to start when it warms up abit as going to keep her bottomless. She plays with the potty and I've sat her on it a few times with bottoms on and she happily sat on it. I'm debating to get the toilet seat/steps as we live in a flat so all on the same level. She doesn't say too many words yet either so waiting for that to kick in. She has started hiding though when she does a #2 x
We started around 16 months when she started showing interest. She's gone back and forth but we've built it into our schedule and she's learned a lot of the necessary skills. It depends what you want. I don't mind slowly building up skills and then putting them all together when she's older but it does result in more accidents and potentially more regressions. She's in pants at home and on short journeys, and in nappies on longer journeys (and obviously nap/bedtime). Some people prefer to wait til they're older and can potentially pick the core concepts up in 2-3 days with less accidents. My kid doesn't like nappies, and is able to stay dry for the most part so I'm happy to roll with her pace. I like the Eric bowel and bladder charity's information on potty training and have been following a lot of that.
My girl is also showing some signs but was going to wait until closer to 2/warmer months to start, also about to have our second baby. She can tell us when she’s been to the toilet and sometimes beforehand but also will say poo even for wind. So we are just focusing on the language around the toilet and talking about it and asking her if she’s done a wee or poo. Have some books we will start reading soon in preparation. She isn’t too fussed about nappies though for now so if that changes might have to do it sooner. Also can’t take down her own pants. So still a few things before I think we are fully ready to try.
We’re going to start at 2 when it’s warmer. Will make the process easier
No where near ready over here
Going to start when the weather is better so probably may/june! My girl tells me when she’s having a poo, hides in corners and tells me I’m having a wee when I go toilet but I don’t think she’s quite ready yet! X
We are 2 weeks in and it was tough in the beginning but now it is nice and she has so much pride in herself. Have a plan, I read oh crap potty training by Jamie Glowacki and she separates it into blocks. I highly recommend this book.
Thanks everyone. Think I’ll wait a month or so and then start giving it a go. Will get a potty so she’s used to seeing it.
I was aiming for when she turns 2 as although she's interested in the potty n now tells us when shes in her words "stinky butt" lol She can't pull down her own trousers yet and isn't fussed about being wet. Plus I feel like summer will mean less layers of clothing! I say trust your gut though! X