anyone else’s toddler a nightmare when the tv is on?

really considering going completely screen free or at least a youtube ban he wants it on but every song or video i put on he watches for 2 seconds then whines cos he wants me to change it it drives me crazy, i use to use the tv just so i can get a few bits done but don’t feel like it’s serving that purpose anymore 🤦‍♀️
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Yeah I went cold Turkey last year with my eldest. Best thing we ever did - her attention span grow, so did her imagination. Less tantrums and the tantrums she did have were less intense too. I get more peace now we don’t watch tv than when we did, because she’ll happily go off and play by herself for ages. So now neither of them have any tv or screentime xx

We've recently gone cold turkey as my daughter was getting so upset when it would be turned off. We only had limited screen time before but life has still got a lot easier since and I feel much less guilty

I’m thinking to go cold turkey soon too! Also feeling ruled by the tv and not being able to turn it off etc. I’ve done it before and it went well but we got ill and went down the rabbit hole again! Just waiting to get enough energy to push through the change!

@Blair can i ask what your daily routine is any activity suggestions or things to get to keep him entertained please? x

Yeah I don’t really have a routine! We come down in the morning and they play with their toys while I make breakfast. I don’t do any planned activities at home either. It’s just pottering about helping me with whatever I’m doing (dishwasher, laundry etc) or play with their toys until naptime, we do a nap walk, then after lunch same thing. One day a week we have a music group and another day we have a dance group but that’s it xx

Aah we go thru something similar too! My toddler will only want specific songs or sometimes he'll think he wants it but once it starts playing he'll shake his head and make me change. I know the ones he likes and he'll want them on repeat a few times until he gets bored, but it means we're having to be present with him the whole time or he'll come running into the kitchen with the remote 😅 I was shocked to see on another thread some kids watching full films. 😳 not that I want to do it everyday but can't wait to sit back and watch a Disney film with my son. Until then... it's just one partial song after the other and on repeat 😬

We went though a phase of this she’d scream every two mins to change it and it drove me insane I then cut it down and gradually reintroduced and she seems more content now

I’ve had 3 days of no screen whatsoever and my lb has been a dream! So much more engaging and can do car journeys without screen which I never thought would be possible! Adapted so easily and hasn’t asked for it! He plays so much better and more independently too!

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