The midwives advise against it because you can detect your own heartbeat/pulse so it’s not guaranteed to be the baby! Probably might not put you at ease. I always used to get anxious when they used the Doppler on me and that was the professionals!
Our heart rate is a lot lower then the babies so I’m not sure how you could be confused?
@Stella I see a lot using this Doppler, which one is it?
@Stella yes I can definitely tell the difference in mine and baby’s heartbeat when the midwife listens with a Doppler
@Misha thank you! I know it can go one way or the other which is why I’m unsure x
@Stella thank you😊x
It takes a bit of practice but once you find baby it does help with the anxiousness, I couldn’t find baby until I was just over 14 weeks and then finally found baby :) I found tiktok really useful to hear the different sounds and what they mean so I knew what I was looking for
@Chloe yeah TikTok helped me to understand the different sounds as well and I think it’s pretty obvious between the placenta, your heartbeat and baby’s heartbeat. I think I’m going to get one and give it a go x
I also got mine second hand from vinted to save a few pennies, worth a look on there ☺️
There are also apps that can monitor the heartbeat but not sure how accurate they are
I’m 16+ 3 Highly recommend x