Yep my daughter is the same, it's the only way they know how to express their anger/frustration at this age. I don't think it's them being naughty or defiant. I just give her a minute and offer a cuddle and then redirect her to something else (or help her if shes trying to figure something out). It will be a while before they learn to self regulate.
There’s a great book called “the whole brain child” that talks about needing to meet the child’s emotions before they can calm down. Perhaps try putting words to her anger and emphasising with it saying things like “gosh you’re SO angry with me right now and it’s SO hard when you can’t have the thing you want”. If you can show her you understand it might get easier. And also it’s really normal for them to be showing us their big emotions now. My little girl roars with rage and flaps her arms about when she’s angry. So I empathise and then distract afterwards. Good luck!
She hasn't started that quite yet, but she has started trying to hit me or pull my hair when she's frustrated and then gets even more annoyed when I tell her no.