Probably summer time unless she really gets the message earlier. Easier to train them when they are nappy free and just running about (apparently!)
I think towards the end of the year we’ll start trying, she loves pressing the flush button on the potty but won’t sit on it (or anything else) yet, this girlie just loves to stand and won’t be convinced otherwise 😂
We are starting after our holiday in March - simply because I think it will be too difficult to keep it up whilst away !
When it gets warmer
I’m thinking well properly start after her birthdays out the way We have started introducing it tho
We’ll try in the summer. Can’t even think about having to get tights on and off all day 😂
We started at 20 months and he was fully potty trained by 22 months, now uses the toilet (with potty attachment) by himself, if he does a poo we help him wipe still. Every child is different though, he showed lots of signs of being ready so we just went with his cues. There’s no medals for doing it earlier or later, do what works for you and your little one
We’re slowly trying as she wants to sit on the toilet cause she watches us, and puts her teddies on her potty and says poo poo, but we haven’t quite made it to actually doing anything when she’s sat on it. Aiming more for summer so she can be nappy less and warm
August time as I'll be on maternity leave so will be able to do it myself rather than ask others. Plus if she has an accident in the garden, it will be less stressful 🤣
not yet - he’s currently not saying anything so going to wait until he starts talking more. i’ve tried showing him the potty etc but he’s totally uninterested x
Absolutely not, no matter how patient I am, she will only sit on it for a few minutes. We try before and after bath at the moment and been trying before bed.
not yet - he sits on it before the bath but he is not even close to use it just yet. I'm waiting for him show more signs of being ready, so I'm not putting any deadline or pressure on it, just follow my little boy's cues :)