At my last growth scan, my baby had dropped from 79th to 57th centile, I was really worried about it but they reassured me that it was fine. I’ve since been in with reduced movements and had another scan due to this to check blood flow/ fluid and all looks good. Another growth scan next week too. I’ve been reassured not to worry, but I totally get the panic!
Thank you both! Really appreciate it 😊xxx
My little lady dropped from 90th to 63rd and then 50 something but cord flow etc all okay, I’m just having regular growth scans but it’s reassuring to know that I’m not alone in this situation! My midwife and I’ve been seeing a fetal medicine consultant did say that weekly scans are quite inaccurate and they normally advise every 2 weeks to monitor growth and that it also gets harder to measure/less accurate the further along you get!
@Chloe hope all continues to go well for you lovely and thank you for sharing! Yes there's probably a margin of error/ difference and good you're having lots of monitoring xx
I dropped from 90 to 70 around 34 weeks and since has followed the 70 line perfectly, the weekly scans are really reassuring. Sometimes babies just have a growth spurt or other times the scans are inaccurate. I would try not to worry xxx