Potty Training

Hello All, have any of you started potty training? I’m getting a bit mum shamed and worried that I have not started yet. My daughter can wee on the potty and on the toilet but will not poo. She is also aware when she pops and asks to be changed immediately. I’m a bit stuck as having our second in March so worried iv left it too long
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I think you've got plenty of time to do it if you wanted to before March. We started last week. I don't think you should rush into it if you can't commit to it right now. Every child moves at their own pace so you shouldn't feel pressured to do it

I think completely wait until your daughter is ready - makes it sooo much quicker and easier! Don’t push it. It happens at different times for all children xx

I’m also due in March and haven’t really started properly either. My son is the same he will wee on the potty but never poos. He doesn’t ever tell us he’s about to poo, he’ll only tell us he is currently pooing. 😂

I’ve not started yet. I know she’s not ready so starting now would just not be worth the stress to either of us. She still doesn’t even acknowledge when there’s a poo in her nappy so think we’re a while off now! I’ve got a long weekend off in a couple of weeks and thought we’d make a start then but not convinced it would go well🫣

I started potty training when mine was 2. She didn't like it so didn't put pressure on her. She's now almost 2.5 and she's fully potty trained. Be patient. Don't force it. Just ask the child if they want to go on the potty and when they do, praise them. If they don't, leave them alone.

We tried when she turned 2, she was not ready. We left the potty around with no pressure and she just started using the potty one weekend a few months ago. I believe until waiting until they’re ready when they’re this little. It’s really hard to get them to poo, but sounds really positive that she is already weeing on the potty! You definitely haven’t left it too long. I’ve just had my second and was told no big changes around baby being born so if I were in your shoes, I’d try introduce her to underwear even if there are some poo accidents. If you already have the wees sorted, otherwise it could be a good few months after baby is here to actually train her. My daughter personally got really stressed out even though we did it when she was ready and I think I’d find that really difficult with a newborn! But you will know if she is ready or not. Don’t listen to those mum shaming, it’s really none of their business ✋

i left it until about a month after baby number 2 was born and she is trained for the most parts but still has accidents. dont let anyone shame you into doing it,a i've found it really stressful and would have waited longer but she just kept taking her nappies off constantly so felt we had to start even though i think it would've been easier starting a bit later xx

I started after newyear...b4 Xmas we took dummy of her..which she doesn't ask for now ..i bought her toilet seat with steps she been doing sooo well then yday all she kept having was accidentss wen nursery told me maybe take training pants ...I'm soooo confused and going to keep training pants on and try again weekend as home all day 🙃 soo hard as got 9 month old too 😫😫

I’m not attempting until the weather warms up.. it’s so much easier if they have the understanding when you start. With my first, we tried and she didn’t get it at all, so we left it a month and went for it again and she got it immediately and was dry overnight within 2 weeks. She was about 2.5 and is now 4 and I think she’s probably had 5 accidents in the entire time- including when we first started

My little boy was born in August and still haven’t potty trained, I totally get the mum shamed I get shamed by family for not starting, but he is only starting to show signs of being ready. I’m not going to force it, I got the potty out tonight just for him to see it and we will take it from there. If he is trained, he’s trained if not we’ll take it away and try again in a few more weeks x

Waiting until he is ready as we've tried before and the screaming/crying/hitting out of stress and anger was making us both upset. Gonna start in May when we do our house move and gonna do our daughter who will be 18 months at the same time (heard they're easier mostly)

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