I bleed for 2 weeks straight and it was something to do with sack or something had torn my baby boy here 2years old
We heard a heartbeat but it was slow and the baby measured smaller than it should be. Unfortunately we lost the baby. However there are plenty of people who bleed throughout pregnancy and have healthy children so please don’t let a few sad stories panic you. Every pregnancy & child is different. I hope you get the answers you want xx
i had this around the same time and it just turned out my son was very big and had caused some kind of disruption (he ended up being 7lbs 2oz premature) but i had a healthy pregnancy regardless. wishing you all the best 🤍
Thank you for the comments so far ❤️
I would suggest maybe you start on progesterone, it thickens the uterus lining. That’s what the doctor did when I had some bleeding on my pregnancy. I had an IVF pregnancy outside of uk and continued taking them till 12 weeks and then everything went smoothly and baby was born on time.
I had that at 11 weeks, darkish blood, but no pain. And during the scan next day doctors noticed a small blood clot somewhere between sac and uterus, but everything had cleared out by the next scan
I had a very heavy bleed at 12 weeks with my first (small area of bleeding was spotted on early scans at both 6 and 7 weeks), when they scanned me he was kicking away and the area of bleeding had disappeared so they put it down to that coming away, he’s a healthy happy 7 year old now 🥰
I had this multiple times and baby was fine each time - 8 weeks, 10 weeks and 12 weeks. It’s so scary and felt like I was always in the hospital but it ended up being a hematoma which are quite common and do not affect the baby. 23 weeks now and not had a bleed since! X
I went into A&E with bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant and was terrified because we'd had an early miscarriage only 3 months before. They sent me for a scan and we saw our grain of rice with his tiny heartbeat. They had no idea what caused it but he arrived safely at 40 + 5 and is now 10 weeks old.
@Amy I experienced the same thing at 8 weeks with a tear in the sac, I’m now 31 weeks pregnant and everything’s fine!!xx
I had this and it ended up being a subchorionic haematoma - an SCH. Keeping fingers crossed for you x