@Emily that’s lovely to hear that you had a positive experience! ❤️
I was induced at 38weeks as my son had stopped growing. He was my first baby. I had 22 hours of nothing and then the second or third pessary got everything going. No need for anyone to break my waters or have the drip. I had an epidural and had an episiotomy which was fine as I couldn't feel it and it healed well after. I gave birth at 38+1. Hope it all goes well for you :)
@Lizzy thank you! I’m hoping that I don’t have to have the hormonal drip either ☺️
Induced at 40+2, heart rate dropped. Had pessary, ARM and drip. Born 38 hours after pessary, 12 hours after drip. No epidural but opioid pain relief-remifentanil .
@Becky did you have a positive experience with the hormone drip if you don’t mind me asking? 😊
@Becky how did you find the remifentanil? I never find much info / experiences online about it
Hi, I was induced at 38+3 due to reduced movement. This was my second baby too. I had the 24 hour pessary, which dilated me to 2cm which meant they could break my waters. Then I had him 2.5 hours later (without needing the hormone drip) it was very smooth, and I’d have one again x