Anyone else?

Does anyone else have a toddler who gets mad at you, screams and runs to his room and slams the door? My kid is 2 and a half lmao 🤣 He’s silly and reminds me of myself as a teenager lmao
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lol I do! 🙋🏼‍♀️ At first I thought it was funny. Like bro, you’re not a brooding teen YET. The second time it happened I followed behind him and sternly told him not to slam the door. The third time is when i finally realized that he needed in those moments was reassurance. So I began waiting patiently directly outside of his door, and when he opens it to see where I am, I tell him I love him and ask if he needs a hug, which almost always works. I don’t know about other moms but for me as a new(ish) mom, it’s hard to decipher between all of the different cultural and personal advice you get about letting them cry it out, or also letting them feel their own feelings. Now I allow him to feel his emotions but comfort him in the process and the door slamming has lessened for me. But yes dude you’re right it’s wild to watch a 2 1/2 year-old slam door like a teenager

As a quick addition, this video is AMAZING and worth every minute. Made me tear up thinking about how my mom and other “behaviorists” handle their childrens emotions:

Oh I definitely do!😂😂 he’s our twonager! lol

@Tiffany I agree. I’ll just wait right there most of the time I open the door and he’s standing there, so I ask him if he’s okay. He’s normally fine once he’s done being dramatic lol I’ve also told him time and time again to not slam or shut the door at all. We have an open door policy on our toddler

@Erin I wish I knew how to pronounce that word lolol

@Tiffany ALL OF THIS!!! We do the same in our home and it has cut down on tantrums sooo much!! Even if she gets frustrated it doesn’t last as long anymore because we are there with her

@Tiffany how do you use a stern voice without scaring the kid. Tbh, this is something I struggle with.

For me stern isn’t in the tone or volume of your voice, but body language. When I need to get “serious” with my 2.5 year old, I crouch down on my knees, hold his little hands, make eye contact, and calmly say his name. Then I say something like “I need you to listen to me now, please. Mommy doesn’t want you to get hurt, let’s go over here and do _____” (redirection) It’s not magic so it doesn’t work 100% of the time but it has a pretty high success rate in my casa. Hope this helps mama 🫶

@Tiffany thank you so much and yes it will definitely help 🤗

Sometimes mine will do this. She acts like a threenager already

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