
Line eyes?
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I might be just as bad I feel like I see something here too! Test again in a couple days!

I don’t see a line

Feel like possibly a very very very faint line but I would definitely wait a few days then retest

I see it

I’m going to be honest, I see a line but HATE pregmate, they have given me SOOOOO many indents/false positives the last 3 months it’s been rough… I really suggest trying a early detection frost response test

Thanks!! I’ll keep testing and see if I can snag some better tests :)

Any update?

@Emily how early have you used the early detection first response test?

8DPO and had VERY faint

@Emily ahh that’s me tomorrow. I’m not sure if i want to test that early or wait until Friday next week. Thanks for the info!!

I’m personally waiting this cycle to see if period comes bc the indents and false positives have been killing me

Awww I see it!!!! Please update us!! S

I love this so much for you!!!!

What days of your fertile period did you baby dance?

Wooowww! Any line progression?

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