First shoes

I’m looking to get my LO some shoes. I went into Clarks and they measured him for pre walkers a few weeks ago. He now walks pretty confidently around the house, never crawls anymore. However he hasn’t really walked outside yet. Would you go for pre walkers still, or now he’s more mobile inside, go for a first trainer instead?
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We got pre walkers and she walks around outside in them, they're flexible at the sole so easier for her to walk in them

We’re also using pre walkers here and she’s been walking for 4/5 months now

We got the pre walkers from clarks as well and she uses them outside too, they are super flexible and she walks so well in them

We got the Nike swoosh 1, they are really flexible and have a wide toe box. Baby is a confident walker now and we are still using them.

I got pre walkers and he’s still using them, he’s a confident walker too. But in all honesty, prefers to walk without shoes 😂 took some getting used to for sure

Inside lo is barefoot and for outside we’ve got some bobux first shoes that support the foot great xx

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