My boy is a week younger than yours and I also couldn’t do it yet Everyone’s different but there’s no right or wrong How about she comes to you and watches her in the house? Then if things are that bad you would be there to take over I’m sure it would be fine but I understand why you don’t want to I would be the same! x
I've done it once for a couple of hours to go and do a proper food shop without doing it at 5 in the morning and racing through it to get him home before he starts grizzling and it was so needed. If you're struggling with it just start small, say 15-20 minutes to go for a little walk or something just to dip your toe in and go from there
We've been building ourselves up to it. Going round a couple times a week and just sitting back and letting my MIL take lead with it all. We know she'll be fine, she single handedly raised 5 kids, and my husband keeps saying, let's just drop LO to mums. But this way I've become alot more comfortable with the idea of leaving him, so this weekend we're gonna try it out. Drop him off with all he needs and then go somewhere very local to get a coffee or something - just to see how I feel. Hubby is trying to encourage it for similar reasons - if he's at work and I'm struggling mentally or need some time to myself during the day, I can just drop him off. I also started doing the same, from today, at my pops house. It's right next to the gym, so if I can get comfortable with it then I can drop LO and go workout.
The first time I left my baby I was ringing my mum pretty much every hour, I left a long list of everything the baby likes and a rough routine. After that first time of being nervous wreck I jumped at the opportunity of her offering to take her 😂 You know your mum and if you are happy and trust her, I’d do it. It’s so worth it for abit of a break. She’s dealt with a crying baby before remember! 💕
My mother keeps insisting I leave my preemie with her despite her needing more support than the average baby. I know how she dealt with us so I personally don't take her up on that offer. What I need is for her to listen to me rant or cook me food and bring me coffee. Those things would actually help me but all she wants to do is take the baby. My complaints aside, if you like and trust your mother, it's okay to leave baby with her, especially if you think that would help you. But be aware you should be able to ask for whatever help feels right, not just "want me to take the baby for a while"
My little boy was 5 weeks on Sunday. I leave my him with my sister atleast once a week for a few hours. She lives in the same street as me so is very close by and has 2 children so I know she’s more than capable! Plus she absolutely adores him! Everyone is different though, I have full trust in my family and know that they would call me or bring him straight back if anything was wrong! All in good time mumma, you’ll know when the time is right! x
I have left mine a few times with my mum now - to have one on one time with my older child and for medical appointments. I found it really easy this time but didn't with my first. I think partly that's because she has looked after my other child lots and I know I can trust her to follow my wishes and to call me if needed. Can you build up your confidence in that by having her look after your baby while you are still around and can check in as often as you like (e.g. she's downstairs and you take a bath) - then build it up from there, perhaps?
We're still staying at my parents' house and leave him downstairs for them to do the last feed every night while we go get our toddler to sleep and have a few hours of sleep. I couldn't have survived without their help
My little girl doesn't have colic, but we've built up to this, mum had her downstairs whilst I have been upstairs having a bath or getting jobs done. Then last Friday she had her at our house whilst we went for a meal at a pub (5min walk away🤣) I'm feeling more confident about it
Thank you all so much for your replies, great to know it's a common thing to do! I trust my mum completely so that's not an issue, think it's just mum brain creating an anxiety that isn't necessary 😂 I'll see if she can have her whilst I have a bath next time she's round and go from there 😊 x
Im on week 8 and not managed to leave baby yet. Furthest I’ve got is while she’s asleep at my mums ill have a bath upstairs 😅 I trust my mum with her more than anyone (except her dad) but I still don’t feel ready yet. She’s EBF and I personally feel she’s too little and I want to be near her. I completely understand everyone who has already thought. My whole body goes tense and the thought of leaving her yet makes me feel a little panicky so I know it’s not the right time for us yet. Do what makes you feel ok. My mum came to ours too we could have a nap or I’ve been going to hers and she will take baby and tell me to get on the sofa and sleep while she looks after her 😂
It's ok to worry. But do it - you need the sleep. Your mum can be at yours so if she needs you,she can wake you