Hey, I’m not as far along as you either but I did have the flu last week and it was absolutely horrific, I genuinely thought I was going to have to be hospitalised I was just so ill!!! I couldn’t look after my children, could pick my 1 year old up, was just so so ill. I did just have to lie in bed all day long and sleep. Also, I went to the doctors and they presided me an antiviral called Tamiflu to help my symptoms, but you can only have that if it’s been 48 hours or less since your symptoms have appeared, so maybe that’s an option for you if you’re within that time frame? Hope you get well soon, it’s so horrible!! X
Hi, I'm not as far along as you (24 weeks pregnant), but I had flu a few weeks ago and was so ill, bed bound. It lasted about a week & I just slept as much as I could & tried to drink lots of water but I didn't eat anything for a few days which did worry me. I would say if you don't start to feel better after a week or fever is not going down then contact your midwife, my temp lasted a few days, once that comes down you know your body is fighting it and as long as feeling baby move the same. Really hope you feel better soon as it's the worst feeling so ill at the best of times, but especially when pregnant ❤️