The advice is not to give it to them until they are 2 years old
I always go by everything in moderation. So I don’t recall exactly when I gave it to him but was def before a year.
My son tried chocolate probably around 18 months and I can’t even let him see chocolate or he FREAKS out cause he’s obsessed 😭 no chocolate for him only special occasion
The amount of caffeine is very small, as long as the total amount is low it should be fine. I gave my 1 year old a chocolate chip pancake last week.
The amount of caffeine is minimal just avoid dark chocolate and probably don’t give it at bed time
I let my LG have her first taste on Christmas Day (around 19m). She had a pot of mini buttons that was 58g and they’re about the size of chocolate chips, I’d say she’s still got about 1/3 of them left, as I give her a small handful after lunch or dinner on some days as a treat. I’ve started adding cocoa powder to some of her muffins/biscuits/pancakes to mix it up a little though ^_^ Agree that unless it’s higher cocoa % milk or dark chocolate or you’re giving them loads/everyday the caffeine content is unlikely to cause any issues. Otherwise it’s when you’re happy for them to try it.
After a year. Everything in moderation ☺️
Both of mine have had chocolate from 6 months 🤷🏼♀️ we don’t restrict any foods.
I'd let my baby try a tiny amount now (she's 8 months) but she's allergic to dairy so she can't bless her
My LO had some at about 16 months or so (dark chocolate). For Christmas, I got her a whole pack of little chocolates that you hang on the tree. She’s eaten most of them across the end of December, month of Jan. She has about one a week (roughly). I also save chocolate for “special” occasions. My LO is allergic to eggs. Last weekend we went to a birthday party and when everyone was having cake, she had two little squares of Kinder.
My little girl has just tried some milkybar buttons at nearly 9 months. It will definitely not be a regular thing but I don’t see the harm in a tiny amount every now and again
I didn't give my kid any chocolate till a year old, and he only gets tiny nibbles at a time. He might get something the size of a chocolate chip as a rare treat, usually a nibble of something we have. We've kept it mostly to dark chocolate to reduce excessive sugar, and that's what we prefer and keep around the house anyways so it works
My 3yr old has tried it he didn't want it and threw on the floor 🤣🤣