When do I take a test

I has a miscarriage on the 10th of December. We waited until 2 weeks ago to start TTC again and I done an ovulation test on the 18th that Said I was ovulating. So as I’ve not had a period since the miscarriage I don’t know when I should a pregnancy test really should of waited until I had a Period to TTC again. Now don’t know What’s going on! Please help 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I would take one 14-21 days after conception date if you have a rough idea, I always do them around that time

@Caitlín yeah that makes sense it’s 15 days now so I’ll do a test in the next few days .i didn’t want to take it too early x

Sorry about your loss. Have you tested your hCG out? If so, your mc day would be cd1 until you get a dating scan. If not, the ovulation test might not be true as having hCG in your system would make it positive or skewed at least. I’d advise to take one just to make sure there’s none left. I tested positive up until a few days before my first period came after mmc. If you test positive for hCG and lines get darker, you will know it’s a new pregnancy.

I had hCG tested twice but that was in December. I tested a week later and pregnancy test was negative. Yeah after I done the ovulation test I looked it up online and found out if might not be accurate 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m Wishing we had now waited till after my period so confusing x

I understand. Well you never know, you could’ve struck luck ! If you did indeed, an hcg test would show positive about 2 weeks after you thought you were ovulating :) not long left, best of luck ! 🤞🏼

2 negative pregnancy tests but it might still be a bit early will try again in a few days if period doesn’t arrive x

Fingers crossed for you girl. Either way, good to know exactly what’s going on

Period started on Monday and has been quite heavy but luckily calming down now I heard period can be heavier after a miscarriage . Atleast I know what’s happening now x

Mine was an absolute blood stream, it just flowed for 2 days straight non stop and then nothing lol. I conceived that next cycle too :) it’s a clean slate now so to speak, wish you all the best xx

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