A lot of that is just toddler development. Once he turns 18 months if you’re still concerned speak to your HV but it all sounds normal at this age
This all sounds like pretty normal/ pretty common behaviours for a 12mo. Unless there is anything else developmentally going on, where he’s failing to meet milestones, I personally wouldn’t overthink what you’ve mentioned just yet.
They go through a 1 year food strike, we are dealing with this now 🤦♀️🤣 All sounds like normal behaviour for his age, but if still concerned then either wait until he's abit older (they won't assess him for autism anyway until he's about 3/4), or speak to them now to put your mind at slight ease until he's only enough for assessment 🩵
@CeeCee I have tried the HV and they are unhelpful and pretty judgemental. I’ve tried everything I can think of but he’s pretty much always refused food and it’s just not getting any better
I wouldn’t be worried at this stage unless they aren’t meeting core milestones. I know when autism is caught early there can be great progress made.
It's very difficult as what you have posted is normal for this age. The next few years are very difficult for little ones so these things you've listed especially the temper tantrums. Little boys also go through mini puberty at 2-3! Whether your child is autistic or not, the first 3 years are so hard on a child and they are learning to be a human. Keep a diary and log every time something worries you with his age, then you can go back to your GP in a year or two if you are still concerned. Remember, people with autism only differ marginally so you may be recording completely typical and expected behaviours. Xx
@Charleigh thank you so much and you’re right. I just feel on the verge of burnout, it’s mostly the feeding issues, he just will not even try textured foods, gets worked up etc and it’s so hard seeing other babies eating everything and we’re where a 5-6 month old would be
I thought this would be normal for 1 year old. My LO dose all these things too. She is walking and on tip toes. She is fussy with food texture but that our fault as we having let her till recently to be able eat with her hands with everything. She will get there hopefully. I would wait and see when he’s older. As it’s maybe just this stage of being a 1 year old
My boy does lots of these things! He also sometimes sits and shakes his head. But it’s just in my opinion him learning and exploring all sorts. I’d say keep an eye on him and just keep encouraging him with food. I read that the best thing you can do to avoid a fussy eater is exposure! So even if he’s not eating what you want him to, still show him and place different foods on his plate. As he gets older and u set stands more you can ask questions and ‘explore’ the food he doesn’t want to eat. Like “what does it feel like” .. smell etc and eventually taste. As for autism I think we’re all on high alert. It’s so common now it seems. But keep doing what you are and trying your best. If there is anything in the future then early intervention and you will always do the best for your boy 🥰 x
Behaviour wise these are all normal (but hard!) parts of being a one year old. The eating sounds really hard, have you been in touch with your HV at all? ❤️