TTC post miscarriage❤️

My partner and I lost our first baby in September and finally feel ready to try again. We are super excited but it’s just so scary! Our loss was very complex due to many factors, one of which being the hospital treating us horrifically. We have just finished the complaints process with them and had our response letter back (which we are happy with) This has brought us the most closure and really got us in the space to try again. We want to have fun with it as the last thing we need is any transactional sex lol. I’m just truly petrified that my body isn’t good enough and being young I don’t really have anyone to empathise with me and just feel I end up with an ear full of pitty, which doesn’t help anyone🥲🥲any advice? Xx
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It’s okay to feel like this !! I was 21 when I lost my first baby and now at 24 I’ve had 4 loses and 1 child and now pregnant again with our 2nd ! Ur emotions are valid especially with the hospital experience I also had a bad experience with a d&c which caused issues getting pregnant. I’m here if you want or need to talk as I can very much relate ❤️

Hey girly! I’m doing the EXACT same thing as you with complaints against 2 hospitals! Honestly I’ve been tracking ie ovulations tests etc and that made it very transactional so I had to take a break, but it has been very helpful. So I would highly recommend. I take co0q10c folic acid and vitex! If u want to message me I’m here for you! X

@Madison thank you so much, I was 21 too! (Still am lol) I really appreciate your comment❤️

Hey, firstly Im so sorry for your loss. I had my first miscarriage at 19 and had my rainbow at 20 last April, so I understand some of what you're going through! If you ever want to chat just give me a pm 😊

@Jade thank you❤️it’s such a shame as I’m such an nhs power kinda girly lol and have previously looked past blips but some things that they did in my visit were just unforgivable! I’m starting folic acid tomorrow morning as it arrived today, it’s just the fear of it happening again! I can cope with the fact that I could well loose my next baby as I have absolutely no control and if I don’t accept that then it’ll all be such a horrible experience for me, my partner, and everyone around me, but I cannot look past what happened in the hospital! That scares me more than anything as it could have been controlled but it was the polar opposite🤦🏻‍♀️xx

@Laci 🥹thank you so much, it’s actually so nice just to see messages from people saying ‘I understand’. As much as it breaks my heart for all of us it truly is special how being angel mummy’s unites and empowers women. Grateful for all of these lovely messages❤️❤️

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