Bump measurements - Reassurance post

Hiya! Just wanted to reassure anyone who’s been worried about their bump measurements, because I know it can really freak you out! My last couple measurements at my midwife appointments have been off the chart massive, 98/99 percentile massive at 31 & 34 weeks. Today I had my urgent growth scan and my baby is measuring “perfectly average”, nothing is massive all is going as it should do. I was really worried and got in my head about it. Of course listen to your midwife and go to a growth scan etc if it’s requested for you, but try and bare in mind the bump measurements are usually not accurate! I’m a little baffled why they’re still used but there we go 😂
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My bump started showing early and I was really big. Just carrying around a lot of water weight. Baby was born perfectly fine.

I got sent for growth scans every 3 weeks from 25 weeks pregnant, just because my bump was small. Each time everything was fine, baby growing as he should. At one point they told me that if he carried on gaining weight as he was, I'd go on to have 9/10lb baby! Not gonna lie, that put the fear of God into me but thankfully he was only 5lb13oz. Me and the midwife did at one point consider stopping sending me as everything was always okay, but the way I looked at it was, I'd rather have been safe than sorry and it was another chance for me to see baby before he was actually here

With my second baby I was getting sent for growth scans as my bump was measuring about 2 weeks ahead. I had no excess fluid around baby and they were happy with babies growth however at 36 weeks she was measuring 7lbs (I was worried she was big but again they weren’t concerned) She was born at 37+4 spontaneously and was 7lbs 8 x

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