@Lyss I have done it before and as soon as I pick her up she is better so that is why I am not do it this time she started her period around 11 years old and she doesn’t have very bad periods
Oh ok in that context it sounds like she could be dealing with being overwhelmed at school… when we are on our periods that is a sensory issue cuz pain… so being in a very over stimulating environment such as school could make her be overwhelmed. Also, school in general especially for high masking autistics could be a lot. I still would pick her up. She is disabled. Staying home to help her disability is an important accommodation. Mental health days are crucial.
Is there a possibility that she's being bullied but doesn't want to tell you? Maybe she can't put into words how she's feeling or what she might be going through?
@Francesca I don’t think she is she came home just fine actually in good mood but thank you for your suggestion
I’m autistic… Well first off there is no thing as mild autism… there is high, medium and low support needs. That’s how to classify us. mild autism usually refers to high masking autism And a lot of us high masking autistics are just hiding our pain and discomfort. And a lot of us have comorbid health issues like PCOS and endometriosis. And high masking also isn’t good for our health. I would NOT* say you are a bad mom… I would say you still have things to learn about autism. I would pick her up. She’s gotta learn to trust her needs and I suggest supporting her needs.