Baby throwing tantrums

Had anyone experienced baby not wanting to sleep and throwing tantrums including being aggressive 😒
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Mine started doing this a few days ago, especially before eating… He’s been also teething so I’m hoping that’s the main reason why my once sweet baby is crying screaming and throwing things all of a sudden ☹️

My little man has started doing this too and he's gotten to the point of being mean and hitting, throwing toys at us adults and animals.

Yes. My 15 month old started this a month or month and a half ago. I’ve discovered in my case specially, she throws legit temper tantrums around bedtime when she’s teething bad and in pain.

This behavior is absolutely developmentally appropriate for this age.

I also want to stress that this behavior is not your child being defiant or bad or mean. This is a kid. A tired kid. A hungry kid. An overstimulated kid. A kid who doesn’t have words to communicate and wants or needs something. Get down on their level and talk to them. If they’re in a heightened state you have to regulate them first.

Omg I thought I was the only one dealing with this. I swear it started out of nowhere. My little guy has become so aggressive, falls out, kicks, cries. I just checked his mouth and lo and behold he’s cutting the last of his teeth.

@alyssa 👏👏

@Cheyenne throwing toys is normal. These are kids. They are exploring their environment and this is a typical sensory experience.

@alyssa it's not nice when they are throwing them at us in the face and at animals.

@Cheyenne well yea it’s not pleasant but they are not doing it on purpose. Give them the tools they can use to continue to explore that experience. Let them throw other things if throwing is a need they have. But thinking that these little one year old kids are doing this to you is not the case.

My daughter throws tantrums constantly, hits, bangs her head, etc. Been trying different parenting ways to prevent this (mainly the head banging) and my daughter HATES sleeping so it's bad at night/ surmount naps too

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