Only army crawling

Our baby CONSTANTLY wants to army crawl and has little to no interest in doing anything else mobility wise. I initially thought it was really cute but now I’m worried he’ll never progress to normal crawling (silly me doing a Google search!) as he never really gets on all 4s. He’s been army crawling for about 2.5 months now and that’s all he wants to do. He’ll sit for a few minutes then it’s straight to army crawling. Is this normal? Should I be worried? Anyone else?
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Not all babies crawl and that's fine and army crawl is absolutely fine some babies might to be crawling at all at the moment every child is different

My friends little one bum shuffled everywhere because it got him where he needed to go so he didn't need to learn to crawl! They all do what they want! I wouldn't worry

All babies develop different skills at different times so I wouldn't worry he has found his way of getting around and for know thats all good

My eldest army crawled and I was totally fine with it, he did it for around 3/4 weeks then all of a sudden just crawled on his knees. So either your baby will just do it at some point or they won't. Either way it doesn't matter. Crawling is crawling.

My little girl is exactly the same. Even if I tuck her onto her knees she just pushes herself forward so she can army crawl. It's not stopping her from doing anything she's able to get from sitting to army crawl, pulls herself up to stand and can get up stairs ect

@Nikki that’s so good. see mine doesn’t even do that! Rarely pulls himself up and zero chance of climbing stairs. Refuses the bend his knees no matter what I try. He even stiffens up his legs when I change his nappy and the only way to get him to bend them is by tickling his foot… 😂 I have one stubborn baby

@Stacey thank you x

This is what our baby does too. When he gets annoyed he'll rock onto his knees but that's it. Some babies just skip the crawling altogether and that's fine!

I'm sure he'll get there, defo sounds stubborn ha. It honestly didn't cross my mind about her crawling the stairs since she wasnt on her hands and knees but her grandad wanted to give her a try at it and she managed, she's a dead nosy baby tho

My nearly 9 month old has been army crawling for 4 months. Sometimes he now gets up and does a couple of paces of normal crawling. He also hardly sits but is now very interested in standing. I think his style just works for him moving so he’s not interested in changing it

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