@Myriam I didn't realise they did lessons for that young. Do you know if it's levels etc with badges and certificates at that age?
It's level. I think even with that age, I've seen parents go in the swimming pool with them if the child is not confident yet. They do certificate but you will have to pay and they usually send an email to tell you if they have gotten a certificate. They do levels and their swimming cap differentiate the different levels. My son is currently level 2 As they progress to level the time of the lessons and sometimes days changes as well as the swimming cap. My friend's daughter is 3 and just started her lesson there. I think she goes on Saturdays. My son started there when he was 4
My son goes to Impulse Leisure Centre - Blackshots. It's good. He's been going there for 1 year or so before then we are going to one private one in South Ockendon taking place at Harris Academy but didn't really like it much.