Not walking?!

Is anyone else’s LO refusing to walk? Or stand independently?! No matter what I try, he is determined to crawl everywhere, unless I am holding his hands. Even then, it’s only when he can be bothered and doesn’t get bored or distracted. He will lean on items stood up, cruise like a champ, and squat for things he’s dropped. I’m pulling my hair out with it! He is the only one in his room at nursery that can’t walk and I am worried he is going to miss out? Any advice on how to help him? I’m literally not worried about anything else in his development - I’ll take fussy eating over this any day x
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Perfectly normal not to be walking at this age. It’s only a concern 18 months+ and lots of LO’s walk later than this with no onwards issues. Try to relax, he’ll walk when he’s ready x

Hey! No advice but my LO is 15 months tomorrow and is exactly the same! Very stubborn but will happily cruise all day. I’ve been worried for ages as all her friends the same age are walking or standing independently which she is not! It’s so hard but the HV and nursery said they’re not concerned at this point and won’t even really see her or refer her!

@Tia it’s the absolute worst! I just wish someone would tell me where I am going wrong and what I can do to help him! X

@Alexa I generally don’t think there is anything more we can do! We encourage her to use her walker, or walk with us/between us and some days she does and some days it’s a no and upsets her! My fries little girl is a day older and they did nothing to encourage walking she just did it!

Take the not walking over fussy eating 😂 he will definitely start walking but my three year old will only eat pasta with butter on and ham sandwiches and there’s no end in sight!!

In the same boat too

Mine is exactly the same. There is nothing to worry about. They will start walking when they are ready☺️

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