Unpopular opinions only

Cosleeping with your baby is bad / we cosleep Purées instead of BLW isnt good for the baby - I give him purées and smoothies AND sometimes chunky foods I’m eating You don’t have to change babies diaper when he pees once - I refuse for him to get a rash so YES I will
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I used to be pretty against cosleeping, and would still probably never do it myself, but... So many people seem to do it I feel like if it was so dangerous, we'd see more increases in accidents happening. I dunno. I guess my mindset has changed to live and let live and mind my own business. I also had a pretty easy newborn so I can recognize that I've never been sleep deprived with a velcro baby to the point of desperation so I can't say what I would do in that situation. 😂 Advocates of BLW are militant. There's no evidence it improves picky eating. I laugh when ever I see the smug "my 7 month old loves food and eats everything! 😊" moms posting a year later, begging for ideas on how to get vegetables into their toddlers and how to stop them throwing food on the floor. 🤣

I don't vaccinate 😬

@Melissa lol I didn't know about BLW when my first was a baby but kinda did it naturally..a mix of pureee at first and then regular food when I realized she was fine with it. She ate SO HEALTHY as a baby. She would eat chopped kale salad, lentils, etc. Now as a 4 almost 5 year old She will not eat any vegetables whatsoever and usually only very bland basic foods. She does love a lot of fruits so we lean on that and vitamins for nutrition! Haha. Started being picking around 2 or 2.5 and never went back.

@Sandi honestly speaking as a nutritionist (kinda), toddlers, and humans, can exist on all kinds of weird diets. A toddler can eat no vegetables whatsoever and still survive. They'll be fine. I'm not saying give up entirely and don't TRY to get their nutrition in, you should obviously try and kudos to you for finding inventive ways to do it, but the reality is that kids go through phases and it just is what it is, you just deal with it.

Sometimes we just need to mind our business. People worried about kids that “look” like they can walk in strollers. People worried about other peoples kids having iPads. It’s so weird how entitled people feel to have a say in our others raise their kids. A little candy or dessert isn’t gonna kill my kid. I have a poor relationship with food, snacking and sweets. So if giving them a little something sweet on their plate gets them to eat the rest. I’m winning in my book. I can’t spoil my kids cuddling with them. They are only gonna be this little and want to be back in my skin this bad for a little bit. And if it fosters the relationship that they want to come and cuddle and tell me about the bad day they had. Again winning in my book. They are my babies for life. Just cause they’ve turned 18 doesn’t mean I send them to the wolves. Ima always be there to help, guide and support them. At 5, 18, or 55 and when they grow up and marry their future partners that extends to them.

@Melissa I just saw this! A mom had her baby as BLW by 6 months now the kid is picky and she has to trick her into eating veggies

@Emily yessss. I was apparently BLW in the 90s and they told me I choke on a drumstick they had to make me throw it up after that I said NAH PURÉES ALL THE WAY and smoothies

@Gabriella none at all? Or you just pick and choose which one baby should get

@Sandi I don’t do BLW but I give him everything I eat since he’s always staring at my plate. I’ll put pieces in his mouth of literally everything hopefully it sticks lol

Well i still cosleep at 15 months because were trying to make space for his crib. I started with a mix of puree and BLW but my son preferred BLW. I dont change after every pee but when the blue line is showing i definitely change. Currently hes wearing a size 5 and its a little too big so i usually squish test. He only got rashes due to wiping because my baby poops A LOT but he never got an actual bad rash. Usually i apply A&D and by the next diaper change its gone. My son doesnt have a set bedtime because he’s a FOMO baby and super high energy so i get him to sleep when he’s tired but he’s never up past 11

My unpopular opinion is just because you are their parent, does not mean you always know best about everything. Birthing a child does not make you knowledgeable on everything and you should trust trained professionals!

My unpopular opinion is that home births are so dangerous. There's so much that could go wrong with labor and delivery. Exceptions: if you live REALLY close to a hospital, if you have a fully equipped medical professional there, or if you go to some sort of birthing center instead of the hospital since they would likely have trained staff on hand that could handle emergencies if needed. I had to help convince my cousin to give birth in the hospital when she had planned a home birth— she had pre-eclampsia and really really needed to be monitored medically in a way that wouldn't have been available to her at a home birth.

None at all 😂 I had a reaction when I was in my early 20's, deep dived into studies (spoke to multiple drs/nurses/neurologists) and never looked back!

I used to be super against cosleeping, but then one morning I was exhausted and pulled baby into bed to side lay nurse her, first time I'd ever tried nursing on my side, and I fell asleep. I was so tired tho I was afraid I would so i positioned myself so if I rolled I'd literally dislocate my shoulder first, and I woke uo with a wicked arm cramp but we were both fine lol so then it turned into researching a bunch on the safest ways to cosleep and only doing it for the last few hours of night sleep if she was having a rough night (she slept SO much better with me) and never with my fiance in the bed (he'd move to the couch, he's a super heavy sleeper and I'm a very light sleeper). It worked for us, we got sleep, baby got sleep. I think there are safe ways to do it and I didn't start until baby was like 6 or 7 months old, but that's just my opinion. We're moving her into her crib in her room now so no more cosleeping either way, and I'm going to try to avoid it when I have my next baby, but it kept us all sane

Also I started with purees and let baby guide as to what she wanted. She started preferring texture at like 7 months so we started feeding her table foods mostly, but still purees/smoothies if she was being picky or we wanted something quick. It was baby led in the sense that we followed her lead, but it was def not true BLW! And she's thriving, highest weight percentage she's ever been, so idk I feel like feed your baby however works and that's the best! Heck I finger feed my lo sometimes when she's being weird about a spoon lmao And she also hates diaper changes so, we change poo immediately but pee? Probably not every pee, but also never too long in between, and we just slather her with diaper cream and never had diaper rash (like literally never. Once she had minor irritation from her Gerd but it went away in a day and that was from a poo)

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