Is he sitting up on his own, or pulling himself up to standing?
Boys are very lazy my son just took a few steps just before he turned 18m... so it could just be that for your lo... if not, you've done the right steps so I wouldn't worry x
I get your frustration but I’m sure it’s coming! My son all of a sudden walked in a couple days around the 17/18 month mark! Sent him to nursery crawling and he walked out of nursery later that day to meet me😂 xx
@Dona yes he is all of those things and coasting along furniture etc.
Maybe he just needs the courage to let go
My little one was doing this but wouldn’t walk on her own. My mum walked with her holding her hood on her coat and that gave her the confidence she needed to go on her own. Maybe get some reigns and try and see how he gets on?
i think everyone just goes at their own pace, my little one was an early talker but a late walker (18/19 months) if he’s pulling himself up on furniture it really will be anyday - does he have a baby walker? that really helped us
My first one didn’t walk until a month before she turned 2 she is 9 now and she’s great