Do some research on the gastrointestinal tract development. There’s a reason that whole foods aren’t recommended until 4-6 months
At minimum 4 months. But it depends on baby’s development. He should be able to sit basically unassisted and have really strong head control. Best to wait and ask doctor at 4 month check up
It all depends on your baby and when they're ready, usually it's around 5-7 months but every baby is a bit different. I got the go-ahead from his Dr for purees at 4 months, because he was ready. He was holding his head up and steady on his own, could sit comfortably with support, chewed on fingers and reached for our food and showed interest. I was also told by a pediatrician that they usually recommend early "solids" (purees and such) for kids and/or parents with eczema, asthma, and/or allergies because those 3 go hand in hand and early introduction can reduce severity of allergies or prevent them.
6 months. Some doctors give the all-clear at 4 months check if the baby head control is good.
6 months 😊 they also need to show the signs of readiness like sitting up and losing the tongue thrust reflex
I was told the only thing you have to wait for is for them to be able to sit up (with support) my son is 3 months and loves purees
They recommend weaning from 6 months, although some people start at 4 months but this is usually with medical advice I think. These are still classed as solids as they're not pure liquid like milk - they're food blended/mashed