Eating to much ?

My son is almost 3 months old. He had 3 oz around 7pm and just had another 2 before bed but refuses to go to sleep and us still acting like he's still hungry.
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At 3 months, my baby was eating 6oz per feed about every 3-4 hrs. He’s a big baby so the Dr. said it was fine. As long as he wasn’t spitting or throwing it up.

At 3 months my son was having 5-6 oz every 2-2.5 hours through the night up until 6-8 months old

@Madison @Eli He'll be 3 months on the 7th. He's still eating 4 oz every 2-3 hours. Sometimes, he doesn't even want to finish the full 4 oz and will only finish 3 oz. He's not throwing up but does spit up, but not more than he normally does.

@Madison I think the longest stretch we got at night was 3-4 hours. I was told I could let baby wake up on his own at night by his peds after he passed his birth weight and he's currently almost 13 lbs I think

my dr always said if they’re hungry feed them, they’ll tell you what they need even though they can’t talk 😂❤️ my daughter was born small, (5lbs 3oz) & around 3 months was inbetween newborn clothes & 0-3 month clothes, & she was doing 5oz bottles every 3 hours give or take. if you’re truly concerned, call your dr & just get confirmation from them, most drs offices also have nurses that you can do phone consults with so it’s more convenient & you don’t have to go in!

At 3 months mine was on 7oz every 3-4 hours mainly 3hours, he’s 4 months now and still the same xx

He can’t be eating too much. He’ll be full eventually

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