@Amye really? I thought it was good because breastfeeding moms need more protein intake.
I like Vega Protein. It’s vegan. I just wouldn’t recommend the coconut flavor. It tastes like dirt. lol everything else they make is nice.
@Bobbi I don’t think there’s enough research to fully say one way or another. That’s just how it got explained to me 🤷🏻♀️
Definitely helpful! As a busy mom I don’t have much time to cook 3 high protein meals a day so I drink protein. Boosts my milk production too😊 I’m generally a low supplier 😭 I like to use the brand Twenty2 Nutrition, they’ve got pretty good clean ingredients. They offer collagen egg protein ! I also follow @hannahbower2 & @movelikeamotha on IG, they have great helpful tips on what supplements to take during pregnancy & PP, great content and very informative. They definitely bust a lot of myths as far as supplements and workouts for pregnancy & PP women
I use this one :) https://a.co/d/fnQ6rhu
Yes! I drink them all the time. Core protein shakes were good, Simply Teras is good too, I've taken them since giving birth and nothing has happened to my baby, just get one with simple clean ingredients
Protein powder isn’t regulated by the fda which might be why it’s sometimes discouraged so you don’t really know if it’s clean. I personally ate it daily with both my kids who were breastfed for 2yrs each and are both very healthy. Your safest option is to pick one that’s third party tested so you can better trust the ingredients. I would look at the ingredient list closely and avoid ones with sugar alcohol, additives, caffeine and artificial sweeteners. The shorter the ingredient list the better.
I was told no because it doesn’t breakdown fast enough before it reaches your breastmilk. Now that I’m done BF I use 1st Phorm protein. Its breaks down really easily when mixing it and they have great flavor! I highly recommend their unflavored collagen too. Keep doing what you think is best! There’s no right way 💜