Light watery bleeding

I’ve been having period like cramping since last night till 4:30am. I went to the toilet around 5am and after wiping I’ve seen some watery blood. I have a scan appointment this at 4:30pm later so was wondering if it’s worth going into triage or just waiting for my scan appointment. The bleeding has stopped as well as the cramping. Help!
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I’d still go get checked, how far along are you? If you go get checked they’ll monitor baby, check if it’s your waters, and may be able to still do the scan earlier. It’ll give you some reassurance or a plan around what comes next

I wouldn’t wait when it’s bleeding. At a scan they’re only scanning you unless it’s a consultant appointment too then they can’t do anything. Definitely go get checked x

38+1 weeks, feel so stressed x

Best to go get checked mama ❤️ hope everything goes well

Always go to triage earlier even if your appointment is today xx

Agreed with others, i'd definitely go in earlier than the scan. You are just going to be worried all day otherwise. And blood is always worth checking out and getting some reassurance.

Got to triage sounds like your waters! But blood is worth checking xx

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