If your allergic to stuff like a cat persay
And sometimes this cat lay’s on your pillows without you knowing
Do you
a.) always have a reaction
b.) sometime have a reaction.. in the middle of the night- already been sleeping for hours, but wake up with symptoms
My son did. We did alot of work with him. He had 40 plus allergies and required epi pen. He couldn't be in the same room with them, or even in a house that had one as when you vacuum it makes it worse sometimes not better. We did alot of work on gut, found right probotic and prebotic. Anti-inflammatory diet.. and stem cell activation. He has been symptom and med free over 6 years. No epi pen needed anymore. We have 2 dogs and 1 cat the last few years. Feel free to message me for support. Understand the challenges but things can improve don't loose hope.