@Danielle thx for sharing!
With my first daughter the 12 week scan showed a nuchal translucency of 5.2 mm. The blood test came back as high chances for downsyndrome. What they at first didn't explain to me was that the blood test was absolutely fine, but they enter all metrics (measurements, age, blood results) in the computer and it just gives them this chance. The chance was just higher because of the measurements.. had nipt done and some extra scans and she's absolutely fine
@Jenny thx for sharing. It reassures me
My friend, who is due in June, had a NT of 3.6mm and some tricuspid regurgitation - high screening results (1:2 for Downs) and NIPT then showed low risk, scan showed fluid sacs on neck (Turners) so she did amniocentesis and baby came back clear for anything and at 20 week scan appears normal and everything has rectified