Also it’s sometimes better to have a good cry
So sorry you are feeling this way! It does get better! The two best things you can do are to get outside everyday (even if it’s just to get the mail) and to take a shower every day. Those two things helped me feel human in the early days. and I found an old trashy reality tv show and watched that a ton, especially when I was breastfeeding or pumping.
Also, therapy can help a lot too!
@Brittney thank you for all the tips!! I do need to get out more that I’m recovering well from my section :)
@Kelly I will defo get out more! I think I’m just anxious!
Honestly I was so teary after my emergency section for ages - let yourself feel it though. Emotions will be all over the place, ride the rollercoaster and lean on someone if you can. Letting yourself feel it it’s more likely to ease off sooner ☺️
Try and go out for walks Attend the free baby groups Library has information re baby classes Local children’s centres Reach out to peanut mums in your area? Just stepping out will help lift the mood and dry the tears Also perinatal counselling you can self refer or via GP that’s with other mums and their babies. There’s loads out there you just have to do some digging. All the best X
I’m nearly 12 weeks postpartum and cry nearly everyday and I definitely think it’s from not being able to go out. I sit in a flat with my baby alone for 10 hrs a day until my partner comes home from work. My tip is to try sleeping when baby does because it gets time to pass quickly. Try to start small trips if you feel confident about leaving the house and build up to longer bigger trips out. Your mental health can really be improved by getting out more and not being cooped up. Also if you don’t want to get out more, tv shows, ice cream, pyjamas, any comforts you have. Try see positives in your life, it’s easy to dwell on stuff getting you down but just focus on the good bits. Then maybe start planning how to get the feeling of normality back. Like do you need someone to go on walks with to get you out and about, do you need to do food shops or go to a coffee shop once a week or just try find your normality