Not Self Feeding

Is anyone else's babies not self feeding? My son is showing no interest in doing it himself and I'm worried when he starts nursery at 10 months, they are going to judge me for it
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When you say self feeding are we talking not holding his bottle or just no interest in putting things/food up to his own mouth?

@Dominique both. He eats well, I just have to feed him

Do you sit him in a high chair and just give him time to explore the food in front of him? Just start putting both his hands on his bottle during feedings so he knows if he wants it he will have to hold it. But be patient and give grace to him and yourself and if they judge and aren't helping or assisting on the subject might not be they place he needs to stay.

Mine is the same way.

I think my baby girl is just lazy lol.🤣 My mom told me that my little sister had no interest in self feeding till she was about 3 and that when my mom finally told her she's not holding her juice cup for her 🤣

I wouldn't worry too much, at nursery they'll see other children feeding themselves and they'll start doing it much more quickly there! Nurseries are used to it 😊

My baby just rather play with the food

It took mine a long while to do this and even now I'd say he gets more than 50% on the floor. In the beginning he refused to even put things anywhere near his mouth but took it off a spoon fine. We found those baby sticks that melt in the mouth helped him get the hang of holding things and putting them in his mouth and we didn't worry about him chocking on them as they melt on contact with saliva. We then moved him onto finger foods you can squish x

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