I include my toddler in choices for Amazon purchases. Like the training underwear (for designs she likes) and the training potty (I have one that looks like a regular toilet and makes a flushing sound). For the regular bathroom, I purchased a new seat that has the attached toddler seat so I’m not dealing with a slipping or sliding toddler removable seat and of course a stepping stool so she can get on it herself. You’ll see some resistance at first but everytime she does it we high five, I keep tattoos and stickers ready, and she even high fives or offers me stickers when I pee 😂 I got a lot of resistance to switching from pulls ups to panties but now we are good on that and minus the Very occasional accident, she’s doing great! Now when she wakes up she’s heading to the toilet and training to take off her pull ups herself so she can pee and switch to panties after. Fully potty train (give it a month with no accidents) before even thinking about night time training.
There are all sorts of books and videos. Peppa toilet training book with sound buttons, - whatever your child is interested in. The best learning happens when you can manipulate it into the things they are already into.
Personally I would stop, and try again in a little while. We got a book about potty training and read that for a few weeks. I got her to pick some knickers. She then decided to (as a bath delaying tactic) she wanted to use the potty one Friday night so then that weekend we decided to continue with the potty and no nappy/trousers (this was about 3 weeks ago)then Tuesday she stopped wanting the potty and changed to the big toilet. He will get there don’t stress ❤️
Ahh that’s a hard one with my daughter we would give her books to look at on the potty/toilet and would just constantly walk around naked we managed to do weeing in a week but poos were a different story it’s hard all children are different when it comes to potty training but you will get there the best thing I did was get rid of nappies and brought loads of knickers from primark and then you can just throw them away xxx
It’s so difficult, not knowing what to do. My son has just mastered it but it took 4 months of up and downs. He refused to sit on a potty so went straight to using the toilet, we had stickers as rewards, which did help. If I was you and my son was showing distress with the thought of potty training, I’d stop with the training as it doesn’t sound like she is ready. It will take the pressure off you and your daughter. I really feel for you, because it’s so hard. I’m sure she will be ready soon. Maybe explain to her that you are going to stop for a bit and try again at another time. Just to help her start weeing in her nappy again. To get my son ready, every time I wanted the toilet, I took him with me, so he could copy me and also gave him the opportunity to give it a go, if he didn’t want to then he didn’t, but then if he did, great, he soon didn’t like sitting in wet nappies and we got there. Good luck.