@Rachael i did think in moderation as she doesnt have salt/sugar hardly ever. Im doing my asda order tonight so going to have a look at some recipes to make my own sauces for long term
I would avoid premade sauces where possible just because of the amount of salt and sugar, but in moderation you should be okay. A lot of sauces are surprisingly easy to make once you have the ingredients
I just made pesto pasta and just used a little pre bought for her with some cream cheese to blend it down more 🌱
Also when you look at ingredients, if it's natural sugar from the tomatoes, that's ok. If added sugar, generally not recommended. Salt they're allowed altogether 1g/day under 1 year old
Passata, onion, 2 garlic cloves, 200ml of veg stock (we use zero salt ones) that’s an easy pasta sauce recipe
Im in a BLW group and they say everything in moderation, so keep the rest of the days salt and sugar low/none and itll be fine In future you could always make your own sauce if you have time to x