We are also doing a combo. She likes stick shaped food or easy to hold like fruit, avocado, bread, etc, but I so also give her things like rice and noodles cut up, she doesn't put them in her mouth herself, but is perfectly happy my shoving them in her mouth 🤣 For purees we load the spoon and give it to her. She has the same amount of milk as always. I was told they don't really drop feeds until around 10 months? Although obviously all babies are different. I know there is a minimum amount they should have though.
We followed Ella's kitchen, veggie puree to start. Have increased texture and doing allergens separate. Also doing combos and adding in pasta, rice, meat etc. She feeds herself from the spoon (preloaded) but doesn't get the concept of picking up the food! Her milk feeds have always been a bit varied but haven't really seen any decrease.
We’re doing a combination, we feed him some spoonfuls but he feeds himself preloaded spoons too. Just squishes the BLW bits mostly but it’s all about fun and exploring anyway 😊 we’ve offered at lunch and dinner when we all sit down together and so far we’ve done sweet potato, avocado, apple purée, wafers and toast (we’re just a few days in!). Mostly single taste things and then we’ll introduce allergens slowly and then onto little versions of our meals ☺️