Head bobbing

Hey ladies, does this head bobbing seem normal? Or should I bring it up to his dr? It didn’t seem normal to us and it just started… does it seem like he’s just trying to crawl and his head is just going crazy?😅 he’ll be 7 months on Feb 13
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my son does this! He turns 7mths on Feb 12!! he’s just trying to balance or figure out how to make his body do what seems so easy to everyone else lol

@Anitra okay this makes me feel better, I wasn’t sure if something was wrong if I had to bring him in🥲 first time mom anxiety 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

My son would bop his head side to side, still does it at 18 months but when he’s mad or trying to say no and it’s hilarious now. It’s normal mama

Yeah it just seems like he is trying to make himself move fast using his head hoping his body will follow, the way y'all are doing around him , my son did too when he started army crawling he's almost 7 months.Balance.


My baby never stopped! She’s 11 months and now she just bobs in excitement or to music 🥰

This is completely normal

Normal, playing with his sense of balance!

Normal, a baby head is the heaviest part of there body , so when trying to get coordination to crawl and move it can happen xx

My son did it and still does it at the age of 2. (Officially 2 on the 6th)

@Offy exactly!! lol kinda like when they tryna to touch you quickly and end of smacking you 😩😂

my son use to do this, they grow out of it xx

this seems normal!

Thanks everyone for putting my mind at ease!!!🫶🏼

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@Anitra gadammit i’ve been smacked and picnched...but if I put him down for 3 minutes so I can pee, I'm the mean one

Oh my gosh! My baby does this but she will hit the bed or pillow repeatedly with her head like dang girl doesn't that hurt? Lol I thought it was autism but apparently it's normal 😂😂😂

It’s normal ♥️

My son started doing it with his body trying to push forward to get closer to me you don’t really start noticing anything until they are older you good mama :)

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