Weaning help

My baby just turned 8 months and she has 3 meals a day. I try and cook homemade food for her but she just hates it. She is pouch fed and I'm starting to feel really bad about it when I see so many babies eating home cooked or BLW. I've tried BLW and she just gags and is sick everywhere because she eats puree food. She has weetabix in the mornings but even that is a struggle because she's not interested in breakfast after her bottle. Then lunch and dinner are pouches. I know its still kind of early but I've read they need to be off puree food by 9 months and I'm stressing. I feel like the worst mom in the world :(
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My 8 month old has home made and pouches. And tbh, it’s mainly pouches!

He still has purées too but with lumps in for him to get used to it, you’re doing a great job, don’t stress! Xx

Start adding lumps to your purées and gradually introduce finger foods at each meal x

Don’t worry hun go with your baby. My son is 8 months 1 week and he has between 1-2 meals a day. Usually for breakfast it’s: Wheatbix with formula and mixed berries or other fruit Dinners it ranges from pouches to a few homemade things that I’ve done in batches. To help with blw I give him some puffs or melty sticks or some veggies that’s been boiled so he gets practice. Xx

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