We are also trying to model trying new foods too.
My daughter struggles with this very much, although she does have an autism diagnosis. All she will really eat is mac and cheese or mandarin orange cups. Some days, despite offering all her “safe foods” as well as pediasure, milk, juice, every food in the house, etc she will not eat a single crumb. I have quite a few suggestions from a feeding therapist I could give, if you’re looking for advice :))
@Ashlee id like some advice!
@Miriam what’s the name of the books ?
@Ashlee yes please !
@Crystal Carly tries new foods (bonus Asian American author and talks about trying food from different countries) and Daniel tiger: Daniel tries a new food (there's also an episode of the show if you watch any tv with your kiddo). Also, something I forgot from when first introducing foods but I think might be helpful to think on. This is from like 1 year but it takes 10 times introducing something before they might try a new food. So keep offering and it may take awhile.
Yes but with different foods. All he wants for breakfast is peanut butter and jelly star sandwiches. We found a couple books on kids exploring new foods (Daniel tiger and another) to read at bed time as a tactic to help.