Hi ladies 👋🏼 My 14 month old has always seemed to have this obsession with stacking or putting objects into things. Could be finding an item that fits inside another item perfectly and then repetitively taking out and putting back in, or simply putting things into a box, sorting food into different sections of a food plate, etc. I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced these sorts of things and if it’s a normal developmental thing or if it’s a possible sign of autism? It’s been a near constant thing since around the 10ish month mark.
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It's a normal development thing. I wouldn't go labeling a 14 month old, it's too early to know. Good that you're looking at her behaviours and noticing her development but this doesn't sound like anything.

It’s a development milestone you’re good momma my 11 almost 12 month old has started doing this :)

This is reassuring to know, thanks both! You see so many these days labelling and diagnosing signs and symptoms for autism, adhd, you name it, at such a young age. It can get a little worrying to just watch your child doing normal things 😅

I completely agree that’s what we are all here for :)

Hi!! We took my son in for screening at 20 months, and they won’t officially diagnose him until after 2 years old. But it is “suspected.” We go back in 6 months (:

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