I also got this but with my first pregnancy in 2022 it was completely different. Midwife said it’s the lowest score now apparently
there are a lot of factors that go into it. You’re older now, which makes the risk level go up. has your BMI changed? 1-5000 is a very, very low risk. I wouldn’t worry.
Hi! How is everyone coping while waiting for NIPT results?? We are in the high risk group after the combined scan at 12 weeks and decided to take NIPT; we should get the results by end of next week. I’m trying to stay positive but it’s so hard! I really didn’t see this coming! I also started to take small dosage of aspirin to increase my Paap-a levels. Anyone else going through this?
@Alessandra sorry you’re going through this. What were your levels? X
@Malynn I’m going with the above 2 comments that 1/5000 is the new standard. Thank you 😊
Hi everyone just an update from me- I just called the screening team at my hospital and they also confirmed that 1 in 5000 is now the lowest they give. Can hopefully relax now
1/37 for DS - 1/700 for Edward’s and Patau (low risk). And my Paap-a is 0.189 MoM. Scan was all clear, baby seemed fine.
@Alessandra did they do the NT measurement at the back of the neck? What was that? Hopefully the results come back fine for you 🙏🏽
Thank you, I appreciate the support! They did and it was normal 🤞
Hi, sorry a bit off-topic but which NIPTs did you ladies choose? My partner really wants me to do a thorough one ( but I am not that keen 🙈)
Sorry I got confused and it was just the combined test I did at 12 weeks x
NIPT is a blood test, it should be 99% accurate. They offer it after the combined test if you are in the higher chance group.
Hey, I also got 1 in 5000, fetal medicine called me directly to tell me - due to a previous loss - and they confirmed over the phone this is now the lowest possible score.