@Johanna omg me too! The smell of coffee is absolutely revolting 🤢
General cooking smells set me off…breaded chicken was my fave and now even thinking about it makes me feel sick!
Hoping things will change soon as I’m 14 weeks….
The tiredness and headaches
I wish I knew things like carpal tunnel in pregnancy was a thing 🙈. So many things get missed off!
The way that smells I love would suddenly make me want to die… my husbands aftershave for example 😩
Wait until third trimester, you pee for England 😭🤣 Mine would be constantly feeling like I was gonna come on my period for like 2-3 weeks 🙈
Headaches and cramps
@Emily is carpal tunnel a thing in pregnancy?? Does it go away after birth???
The amount of things that make me gag like a flick of a switch! 🤢