Pay no attention love it's been a different few months for him and may be finding it strange with the change of routine perhaps make a rewards chart for him and each time he gets a sticker celebrate with him and after say like 10 stickers buy a toy or sweets for him xxx
We are having this too. He only started nursery at the start of the month but he also is challenging them I think and he is a mixture at home. His sister was born in August and he has been harder since her coming and is struggling to settle at nursery and has suddenly got really bad separation anxiety and from sleeping through since 9 mkmths no problem we now have to sit with him while he goes to sleep and he wakes up screaming in the night. I have no advice but I feel the same as you and just wanted you to know we are in the same boat and we just have to remember that they will grow out of it hopefully! Hope ot improves soon for you ❤️
He’s a toddler !.. I’m so sorry you feel put down .. he will grow out of it my son was the same when we had our second I find love and attention helps and involvement with the baby like feeding and bath time .. in nursery they maybe need to change their approach with him x
I don't have any experience or advice but tbh at this age it is not his fault or your fault! He is a toddler, if he's feeling something he will react. My question is how are they dealing with it? A friend told me that at her kid's nursery they used to threaten the kids to 'send them back to the previous room' , shout at them if they shouted and just isolate them if they reacted. Hope everything works out for you❤️