I see it
I see it
Definitely positive keep testing
2 lines😻
I see it!
I can definitely see a line !
I see it ❤️❤️❤️
Looks positive to me
Your friend needs to go to spec savers 😅 congratulations
I see a line on the right hand side
i see a line mommy
I definitely see it!! Take another in a couple days and it should be darker.
I see it very faint but it is there ❤️
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
I see it!!
I definitely see it and that's how mine looked same brand xd
I see it
I see it
@Gianna i’m 11 days out now! i tested before flo told me i should but i couldn’t help myself lol. i’m trying again in the AM!
Definitely a line! Seen it right away
I see it!
I see it!
YEP! I had one like this and I’m now 26 weeks pregnant hehe congratulations mumma
I see a faint line☺️try doin it again!but i think it's definitely positive!
Your pregnant. Mine was the same. Early stages. Take a test in a few days. The line will get thicker
Lols 😆
I see it for sure!
Definitely positive!!
I see it!!
There's definitely a line, you're not delusional xx