Do you swaddle your baby?

HV came today and said they don’t recommend swaddling anymore yet at the hospital they swaddled my lg curiosity so you’ve swaddle your newborn?
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With my first I swaddled with the swaddle bags but with my second I’m swaddling but with a cellular blanket so not as tight & he can wiggle his arms free. I’ve got a love/hate relationship with swaddling personally so once he’s too strong I’ll be stopping but this baby’s startle reflex is much weaker than my firsts so will hopefully be easier 🤞🤷🏼‍♀️

We have the sleeping bags for our baby girl and fully intended on using them and only them, and maybe we will at some point, but if she can move about she just will not settle. The sleeping bags let her move about so we just can't get her to sleep in the cot, but one of the midwives at the hospital suggested swaddling and it's been a game changer! As long as she's wrapped up really tightly so she can't wriggle her way free, she will actually sleep.

We bought swaddle bags but our girl hates them so we don't use them. She hates having her arms restricted

I got a sleeping bag, they advise against it as baby can’t move around if they are too hot then they will overheat.

Used a swaddle sleeping bag for two weeks and more she’s just in a normal sleeping bag with her arms free. Do what you feel comfortable with, I once had a hv tell me prep machines weren’t recommended and to make each feed with the kettle.

Swaddles are no longer advised as they restrict the baby being able to throw their arms out in Moro reflex, which is a safety mechanism for them while they're young. x

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