Sign language

When are we supposed to stop teaching sign language and encourage verbal words only?
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I always use the words and sign. My son is 2 and signs only

She just started talking all these words saying everything a couple months ago so there’s no need to sign anymore lol

Are you not doing both at the same time? I always have signed the word and said it at the same time

We do both together and let our daughter pick up whatever she pleases. She signs and speaks at the same time pretty often. I studied ASL in college and taught my husband some basics. It has been super helpful whenever we're in a loud restaurant or concert, and for teaching our daughter signs!

@Aubrey we're doing both, but I'm having to look up words. The latest is fire because she loves having our fireplace on lol

Never taught mine to sign, they've all just used words

I really only taught more, eat & tried all done but he skipped signing it and went straight to saying it. I stopped after he started saying more, help & all done cuz we didn’t need it anymore.

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