i bought my daughter magnets with animals and vehicles i believe she was 14 months or so and at 18 months was when i got her a kitchen set with food she learned that way. but mainly toys she learned as well as shows
I’ve been repeating words constantly back to back. My daughter is about 20 months old and she doesn’t really talk much. She try’s some time.
Just talk to her as much as possible! That's not a bad variety of words. I've been talking to my baby since she was born, I'm a mostly sahm so she's all I have when my husband is away 😂 I just made it a practice to have conversations with her even if she doesn't respond or know what I'm saying, I also ask her questions ALOT. She's 1.5yrs old now and repeats everything and says stuff I didn't even know she could say. Don't be too worried about time-lines, as long as she's talking it's ok, they all have their own pace. You're doing great mama!
so going to the beach and using the crosswalk my daughter and i made it a funny to learn the “WAIT” that the automated voice says.. other than that i very repetitive and narrative on the day to day. if you’re open to limited screen time i’d suggest ms.rachel or ms.apple on youtube!
Ms Rachel or Ms Apple on YouTube and sing along to the songs and make it a super fun experience.
Mine only says 3 more than that 🤷♀️ I'm not too concerned. I have also started keeping track of signs because it's still words she knows and how she communicates with us. We just keep trying and talking to her 🤷♀️ she babbles a whole heck of a lot so I know once she starts saying more words and phrases, there's going to be no stopping her, so I'm enjoying this phase of life 😂
Honestly, I just talk to him about things that I am doing with him and he'll very slowly get words ? He's very slow on speech development so I'll take anything other than mama or dada or da da that sounds like an attempt at a word ... Or an ASL sign.... And count that
If my kid had this many words , tbh I'd 😢 cry It's hard "seeing everyone" with kids that are talking so much more.... More like 2.5 to 3 year olds with lots of words.... And I have an extra long baby who's biologically a toddler but he's so tiny .... And he's not talking ( barely at all, much more babble y than actual words .... But he said nana a few days ago as I was feeding him some banana and I said banana the word... to him.... so I'll take that ) or walking yet ( but he is definitely getting there but its definitely a lot for him and it's hard and big feelings and scary and nervous about it... And all those sorts of things as to why fast crawling is still his easiest method of moving around)
@Elizabeth The only reason i'm concerned is because i feel like I have to be, I feel like pediatric appointments also puts a heavy weight on feeling like everything needs to be done by a certain time. I had brought it up to her pediatrician to see if there was a recommendation on things I could try to help further her speech and ended up getting a recommendation to a speech therapist 🙃 I do genuinely believe kids learn at their own pace as do teens and literally everyone else! I just don't want to bring a child who doesn't listen to me to a speech therapist just for her not to listen to them 🤦🏽♀️
At this age speech therapy is playing and getting them to practice out words maybe, but it's mostly play based
And I totally get that . But every kid is different and pediatrician office s putting " pressure" because oh your kid isn't talking much at all like they should be.... or your kid isn't walking yet let's refer you guys to pt..... is so hard on a parent because you feel like your child is failing.... They're not Attempts at a word count. As does sign for a word ( ASL )
My son said nana the other day when I offered him a banana and said banana.... I count that as an attempt, as it's not in reference to my mother being around ( nana for now, but we may have her be Mimi as a nod to her late mother ; my maternal grandmother)
All in her own time! And They’re so weird! My son will say a word out of nowhere that we said two weeks ago! I didn’t even know he knew it. Your kid is logging all the info and cataloging it for when she wants to use or figures out how to say it. Things that I have read that help: Read out loud no matter what it is that you’re reading (books, snack boxes, texts, instructions, etc), describe what you’re doing or seeing, introduce ASL (accesses a different part of their brain), repeat the sounds they’re making. Point to the things you’re taking about and engage them in anything they are pointing at or might be talking about. My husband thinks I understand more than I do with our son bc I just talk back to him even if I don’t know what he’s saying lol.
All I do and ever did was name everything and anything we see multiple times in a row and any time we encounter it, whether we are reading a book, watching a show or seeing things outside and inside the house. She started attempting words pretty early though (when she was about a year old). She started watching Ms Rachel videos for babies to learn to talk even before that.
I think if she was interested in saying more it wouldn’t matter if the words were easier to say bc she would still try. I’ll ask my daughter to say something and she’ll try but sometimes she butchers it. I think your daughter is verbal and doesn’t seem behind but maybe she’s just not talkative.