It is most likely just her “ witching hour” this should end very soon! Stay strong ❤️🤞🏼
hi friend! if u really think it’s gas, some moms swear by those frida windi things i have never personally used them nor would i but if ur that desperate u might want to try it 🤷🏻♀️ i know ur in the thick of it rn but i promise this will end eventually!! good luck im sending u all my love and positive energy 🤍
Have you tried Mylicon gas drops? They really helped my boy when he was acting the same way. You can give them with every feeding. ❤️
Mylicon really helped my son! Maybe try a few doses during the day to help prevent a build up of gas that could be accumulating and causing pain by the end of the day. Try eliminating dairy from your diet if breastfeeding or a dairy free formula If breastfeeding, avoid foods that cause gas such as spicy foods, beans, broccoli, etc. Do bicycle kicks/tummy massages multiple times during the day and at night to help the continuous movement/release of gas so it doesn’t build up. Just a few ideas, hopefully you get some relief soon!! One thing I always try to remember when having a hard time with my babies is that it is always just a phase and no matter what you will get through it!!!
My boy twin really suffered from the witching evening (lol) it started at 5pm and went on for hours and hours. The thing that helped it was putting him in baby carrier and walking round the house with him and sitting with him in it, I think he had colic and it stretched him out. Really recommend giving that a try. I know it’s a lot but these phases really do get better, no one thing with them lasts forever xxx
Hi mama! You’re doing great! Every baby is different but there are natural way to relieve their gas, ways you can kind of stretch them to help everything along. I would try these & sing to them at the same time to give them something else to focus on like your soothing voice. Hope this helps!
Please try infacol it worked for us x
Aw honey! I have been exactly where you are and I am so sorry that this is your experience right now. Although our situations might be unrelated, our baby was just like this for the first 10 weeks until I broke down because every medical professional I saw said it was normal (gas, purple crying etc.) BUT the crying did not feel normal. She is our first and we trusted their expert opinions. At breaking point we saw a private paediatrician who based on our bubs symptoms suggested it could be either FPIES or reflux and directed me to start an elimination diet to possibly diagnose or rule out FPIES first. Over the next 6wks of elimination diet trials we discovered that she did in fact have FPIES (a food intolerance causing gut inflammation) to a number of different foods like dairy, wheat etc. and so the protein from those ingredients was travelling through the breastmilk and triggering a reaction between 2-6hrs later. The end of the day was the worst because it had built up in her body.
…I also totally get that people think they are helping by trying to console bubs but when they are crying like that, it’s a feeling that gets under your skin and while it’s hard to emotionally handle the crying itself, it is 10x harder to not be the person consoling them in that state. That “I’m uncomfortable or in pain” cry feels like a biological alarm calling out that they need their mumma 💜 so I had to set some firm and strong boundaries with those well-intentioned people. Even though your bubs might not have FPIES, I suppose I want to encourage you to keep advocating for yourself and your family to find answers that are the right answers! If your gut feeling is telling you that there’s something else going on, keep seeking out help and support until you feel content. After those 6wks where I had eliminated those foods, and for the rest of my journey, we had a completely different baby who hardly cried at all. I genuinely could not believe it. So trust and be kind to yourself 💜
Hi! It could be witching hour like Vivianna mentioned. My son would start at 5pm on the dot, like he had a freaking clock. And stop around 7:30 ish. What worked the most was just cradling and walking outside and showing distracting things. If it's gas the movement also helps(try specific poses, our son loved being held like a football or with his back on our chest and we would lift his legs kind of like if you're on the toilet with a little stool for your feet). Also SIMETHICONE. It helps with gasses and within 5 minutes he was better. Try mixing a bit with syringe and water and feed directly. If you put it in a bottle they might not drink the full medicine. But this was also a lifesaver. Even for me when I get really bloated during my period w painful gas I use this one (different dosage obviously) and gone. I put the link but if you can't click it lmk and I'll send you a message. Newborns, Infants & Children Gas...
And 1000000% what Christy said. Every baby is different and the only one who knows your baby is you. Not dad not mother-in-law, at least not for now. I had really bad PPD and my anger reflected in not wanting anyone to help and I wanted to do it all. It wasn't good but it helped me feel like I was actually helping baby. Try a mix of everything. It doesn't hurt to try, if it doesn't work, move to the next thing. The cries make your skin crawl and that is 100% valid. Right now the only person's opinion that matters is your baby's, so if someone makes you the bad guy for putting a boundary, wipe your butt, and keep moving because you are doing it for you and baby.
Look into a chiropractor for her. This might help its recommended for babies find one that takes your insurance if you have🧡 hope you get some rest i know its tough