Do u miss ur pre-baby body?

My husband and I were having intimate time and talking as we were doing stuff, (I am 8 months pregnant) he said “I can’t wait until the baby comes out, I miss ur body” and honestly me too. Funny thing is my body is going to change again!! I’m not even going back to exactly what I had before.
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Our bodies go through so many changes with pregnancy! I was very athletic built before baby, had abs, toned arms/legs and a nice tush. During pregnancy I loved my body lmao although my belly was huge, my bum was bigger and I was just overall thicker 🤣 I felt the prettiest pregnant. After pregnancy I've got the Dolly Parton boobies but my tush disappeared 😂 my belly looks toned for the most part but she's squishy and when I eat it looks like I'm in the first trimester again. Just have grace with yourself, so much happens but you can get back to where your were or close to it. I'm currently working on getting my muscles back up. Breastfeeding takes your butt fat FYI 😂


@Rosie my butt is literally sinking in 😭😭😭😭😭 I did not know this

I was really skinny before my baby then got up to 210 when I had her and I’m back down to 160 now . It’s hard at first but then you realize this is what our bodies were made to do and it’s actually very beautiful. I learned to appreciate my body for what it’s capable of and not just the image . And also having a partner that understands that too

Haha yea girl I found out a few months pp 🤣🤣🤣 my cheeks are EMPTY!! My mom says it comes back after exercise and not breastfeeding...hopefully

@Jada Girl same 🤣🤣 the fat in our breastmilk comes from our bottoms first 🫣

Yes after breastfeeding my first for a year and currently feeding my 2nd I miss having perky boobs and a toned butt and legs. My butt will come back and my thighs can be toned but my boobs will never be the same 😂 I also wish I appreciated what my body looked like pre c-section because I have a keloid scar now. It's nothing I'm losing sleep over or upset about, just wish pre baby me didn't look for flaws that really weren't there.

Yes, i was never skinny before but deffo not as big as i am now. I ate whatever i wanted during pregnancy not thinking of the outcome after, came out 2 dress sizes bigger even tho my bump disappeared as soon as i had my son and i 'bounced back' i didn't bounce back to pre pregnancy weight. My legs are bigger my arms are bigger i now have a double chin and i HATE IT. I am also pregnant again, when i got weighed at the midwife i weighed 1kg less at 7 weeks pregnant than i weighed when i was 38 weeks pregnant in my last pregnancy!! I've started walking more now, trying to eat a bit better more veggies etc because i cant do it to myself again. I've struggled with weight and an ed in the past, dropped 6 dress sizes in 8 months didn't really eat a think for 2 years so i've never had a healthy relationship with food. I went from one end of the ed spectrum to the other from starving myself to literally binge eating! So seeing my body change so much so many times has been sooo hard for me

Yes, I was super athletic up until I gave birth & it was so traumatic and hard on my body that I could barely workout until after 2 years. I’m still struggling to exercise sometimes because of lack of support and time. I went from big booty to pancake special 😭😭😭 lmao but also, that’s really rude & insensitive for him to say to you. A woman’s body goes through many changes, make him aware of that fact and that he will need to respect & love your body in every stage it has to go through if he truly loves & cares for you. We can only control so much of how we look.

I was 100 lbs before pregnancy and now I am a 170 lb whale who gets out of breath from going up the stairs 8 months pp 😂 My butt is super fat though!! 😭😭 I was really upset at first but be easy on yourself!! We go through a lot during childbirth. If your partner can’t understand that he’s an ass, but don’t let him get you down. Just try and exercise if you’re up to it, otherwise embrace your new body it’s done amazing crazy things!

I was fat then, I’m fat now 🤣🤣🤣

Badly 😔😭 that's been something that I've struggled with for some time now and now I'm pregnant with baby number two so I'm eager to find a solution after I get over this morning sickness on how to make sure I stay active and don't set myself up

I would be pissed if my husband says that he’s gonna have a big wake up call realising our bodies don’t just magically go back to normal. I don’t think mine will ever be the same

I have always really struggled with body image/dysmorphia. I was super underweight pre-pregnancy due to struggling to gain weight after starting recovery from a decade long eating disorder. So pregnancy, and my post partum body were honestly a blessing tbh. That being said, I do still miss having a flat stomach, and that's something I have to work on mentally. All that to say, my husband would NEVER make a comment like that about my body, whether or not (or maybe especially if) I might agree. He has told me countless times that he loves my body in every stage, and thinks I'm beautiful every way I come. He loved my pre-pregnancy body even when I struggled to put on weight and was too skinny. He loved my pregnant body, even when I was huge and had swollen feet and puffy cheeks. He loved my freshly post partum body when I suddenly had huge boobs I never had before, a giant badonkadonk, and big flabby tummy lol. And he loves my body now, 2 years post partum with my curvy thighs and squishy belly.

Honestly, I would be pretty upset if my husband said something like that, especially during intimacy. I would straight up stop our activities and have a cry instead ha. Our bodies are meant to change, and it's highly unlikely you'll ever have your pre-pregnancy body back the same way. A good, loving partner would understand this and cherish each version as you bring literal life into this world.

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Lol you guys are taking his comment way out of proportion. I understand you would be upset but it really wasn’t a big deal. Sexy time is just boring now that I’m big and not flexible anymore etc. and he’s right I can’t wait for her to come out and get my body back and feel normal again too!! He did not make me feel bad or any type of way with his comment at all and if he did this would’ve been a very different post.

@Adrianna I'm speaking from experience as well as what the women around me experienced and also had the same build as me. As a person whose only fat area was my bottom, it's dwindled with breastfeeding, I said what I said and it's not a myth for me.

Sometimes I miss my pre pregnancy body but do you think your husband meant it how you heard it? Or did he mean he missed the intimacy y’all could share before there was a pregnant belly in the middle of you two? Pregnant sex is hard yall. 😂🙈

@Kaylee Ya ur right on the money like what he said could definitely sound like he was shaming me or something but what he meant is exactly what ur saying like it’s hard being intimate when I have a boulder in between us lol 😆 he was in no way shaming my body or even saying it in a negative way

That’s what I figured bc my hubby made a similar comment when I was pregnant!!

I lost nearly 4stone before I fell pregnant and probably the 1st time I'd been confident in my body. But I put all the weight back in and 3 years later still struggling with it

It's a yo-yo of flat boobs and big tummy, I tell my baby it's my squidgy...don't get me started about finding good jeans as many shop sizes vary lots especially to hide the tum🙃

The worst part for me is that I hate my body when I look in the mirror now, especially because my baby died. I’m covered in scars and lost my beautiful shape. I’m even in constant pain all the time still.

@Adrianna thank you, I mainly kept my profile so others can somewhat get a warning about these midwife situations so they can try to prevent it happening to themselves. I wish everyday that I could turn back time and go to book a c section with different hospital but how was I to know my baby would be killed by those that were supposed to deliver him 💔

I was size 6-8, 50kg, lean, skinny, flat tummy, lacking in the boob area but happy with the rest (only realise that now) I never exercised, ate what I wanted and it didn't make a bit of difference. Now I'm size 10-12, idk how much I weigh probably about 70kg, rounded tummy I still look pregnant at 10m pp, my thighs touch, I actually have boobs (yay?) but I hate the rest. I eat barely anything and seem to gain weight lol...

Me and my husband makes jokes at each others bodies because we both put on weight after having kids, but we our both almost back to our pre baby bodies and couldn't be happier.

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